Andhra Pradesh's 1st and biggest 50 Bedded Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility

Diet and nutrition department at dietician centers in Vijayawada encourages wellbeing and fine health through proper food and nutrition. Our experienced nutritionist in AP transcribes complex problems into practical solutions that aids in promoting health and manage illness/conditions like heart diseases, diabetes, food allergies, overweight, underweight etc.

In this era of health care delivery, we focus to provide affordable and quality care for the well-being of patients with challenges to hospital-based health professionals.

Our team of dietician and nutritionist at best dietician clinics in Vijayawada deal with nutritional requirement and specific diet plans for

  1. Pregnant and lactating women with healthy nutrition
  2. Weight management for children
  3. Weight management for adults
  4. Diet management for diabetic patients
  5. A healthy diet for heart patients
  6. Diet management for patients with renal disorders
  7. Nutrition guidelines and diet plans for school children, infants and teenagers
  8. Sports nutrition
Diet Nutrition in Vijayawada

Our services include

  1. To review medical, diet history and lab results by conducting nutritional assessments on all our patients. 
  2. To plan properly balanced meals based on our assessments and render nutritional counselling Which complements medical treatment.
  3. The team regularly monitors and documents the condition of the patient
  4. The discharge diet plan is prepared before the patient’s discharge. 

Food service

Our nutritionists and dietician team at best rehab in Vijayawada make customized meal plan and ensures to fulfill the nutritional need of our patient. Patient’s traditions and customs as considered and are applied while planning the diet.

Nutritionally balanced and frequent meals are provided that assist in patient’s optimum weight gain and maintain clinical status. Strict quality measures are maintained in preparing the food for patient’s good health.

Nutrition counseling

Results-based nutritional counselling at nutrition clinics in AP is offered to ensure complete nutrition care for outpatients and inpatients. We treat people with medical and nutrition related conditions such as diabetes, kidney diseases, anemia, multiple pregnancy, heart diseases, lung disorders etc.

Nutrition and lifestyle management

Our life style change program is designed for 12-24 week that focuses on conditions such as PCOD, infertility, obesity, post-surgical rehabilitation etc., and is available for both men and women dedicated to modify their life style.


At the time of appointment, individual’s dietary history and present food habits are analyzed. The dietician in Vijayawada will have a discussion of lifestyle changes and appropriate food choices. A more customized diet plan with guidelines is rendered on basis of desired goals.

At Best rehab, we are dedicated to enhance the health of every patient based on nutritional interventions.